What are the pros and cons of a universal basic income?

Dan Hurt

November 24, 2022

Daniel M Hurt

Whether you are in favor of a universal basic income or not, there are some pros and cons that you should consider before you make your decision. These pros and cons are also helpful in determining whether or not a universal basic income is a good idea for your country.

Reduces income inequality in the real world

Several recent proposals have been made to reduce income inequality in the real world. These include increasing the minimum wage, taxing wealth, and improving access to education. The American Public Health Association (APHA) has issued a call to health care organizations to increase awareness of income inequality, promote policies that reduce it, and encourage the media to report on it regularly.

Some economists believe that greater income inequality will impede economic growth. This is because it can cause less demand in the economy. Another theory is that it can contribute to authoritarian movements. However, the causes of income inequality are complex and have several overlapping factors.

Encourages laziness

Increasing calls for a universal basic income (UBI) have led to several experiments throughout the globe. The UBI is a large departure from existing welfare programs, but there are a number of pitfalls to watch out for.

One of the biggest concerns with a UBI is that it will depress wages, especially in lower-salary professions. This may lead to a shortage of workers in the future. A guaranteed income may also lead to laziness.

The Economist recently published a piece arguing against the long-term feasibility of a basic income program. It cites several reasons, including that there would be a lack of incentives to work.

Isn’t this the most efficient way to help people in need?

Unlike the current social welfare programs that direct aid to the poor, UBI would pay people a fixed amount of money regardless of their income. In addition, it would make it easier for parents to reduce their working hours or stay home with their children.

Although there is debate over the merits of UBI, most experiments have shown that it is not a poor use of money. In fact, if a UBI program is financed on a large enough scale, it could be more generous than existing programs.

For example, a UBI could be used to pay the costs of starting a business or to pay for child care. In addition, it could be used to pay for higher education.

Work incentives are calculated according to the net financial gain from taking a job

Getting a universal basic income has rekindled the flames of utopian social movements. In the absence of taxes and benefits, the disparity between rich and poor has reached a fever pitch. It’s no surprise that the UBI is the latest buzzword among a new generation of social entrepreneurs.

The question of how to pay for it remains. A recent study from the Atlanta Federal Reserve suggests that the cost of a universal basic income is comparable to current levels of unemployment. It also found that people with a guaranteed income worked just as hard as those with traditional unemployment insurance. The results were positive. Whether or not such a system can be rolled out in the United States is a question for the future.


Despite some critics, there is a growing body of research that suggests that universal basic income could be a great way to improve living standards and alleviate poverty. It can also be a good tool to keep citizens from being sucked into precarious work.

A study on the social effects of UBI, for example, showed that the amount of alcohol a person consumed was lower in UBI trials. It also showed that teenage participants in trials were more likely to finish high school and go to college.

In addition, UBI can help improve health in areas where chronic illnesses are prevalent. For example, research shows that people living in low-income areas have a higher death rate and a higher risk of mental illness. In addition, they have a shorter life span than those living in higher-income areas.


Several trials have evaluated the impact of universal basic income on health. This has included the effects of the “Bolsa Familia” program in Brazil.

A Finnish UBI pilot found that recipients experienced modest improvements in mental health and wellbeing. However, the program did not improve workers’ status. Similarly, an Ontario basic income trial found that recipients reported positive economic benefits. However, these are preliminary findings.

The World Bank found that UBI trials reduced spending on alcohol and tobacco. The Office for Budget Responsibility’s Fiscal Sustainability Report includes long-run productivity growth assumptions. If those assumptions are amended, new fiscal impacts of UBI can be calculated.