10 Principles of Servant Leadership

Dan Hurt

October 3, 2022

Daniel M Hurt

Servant Leadership involves inspiring a vision before setting the course. Establishing this vision and gaining buy-in from the team is critical. Missing this vision can dramatically impact the outcome. The following ten principles will help you develop your servant leadership skills. Each one is essential to the success of your company.


One of the critical qualities of a servant leader is empathy. Empathic leaders listen with an open mind and genuinely try to understand the intentions of others. They also assume that their co-workers mean well and have the team’s best interests at heart. These traits make servant leaders more effective in their leadership roles.

Empathic leaders help others grow professionally and personally. They encourage team members to take responsibility for their work and remind them how it is essential to the company’s goals. They ask employees to develop their skills and develop new initiatives, and they create learning opportunities and milestones that help them achieve these goals. They also show genuine interest in the personal lives of their team members.


Persuasion, as a principle in servant leadership, is the art of influencing others. Servant leader is aware of their influence as a tool to build, heal, and support others. Instead of trying to gain attention for themselves, a servant leader is concerned with helping others and fostering their development.

To become a servant leader, one must develop a strong awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. It is also essential to build self-awareness and learn to manage emotions. Finally, attention is necessary for the servant leader to be able to see situations from all angles.


Foresight is the ability to identify and interpret trends and patterns in the past and apply them to future situations. A servant leader should have a sense of foresight to empower a team to address challenges. While foresight sometimes depends on intuition, practicing mindfulness and note-taking strategies can help develop foresight.

A servant leader strives to understand others, as each individual is unique. In addition, they must have the ability to listen to others. This will allow them to appreciate other people and their intentions. They should also support the emotional and mental health of each individual.

Identifying employee needs

Identifying employees’ needs is one of the main principles of servant leadership. Servant leaders create a positive work environment by being willing to listen and anticipate employee needs. They also empower employees by providing them with the necessary resources. Employees should not feel intimidated or ignored when they complain or request a change.

Listening intently to people

Leaders who follow the principles of servant leadership should take the time to understand and appreciate the needs of others. They must listen intently to people and make decisions based on their hearing. They should understand the values of others and stand up for them when needed. They must also accept people as individuals and not look down on them.

This is an essential principle in servant leadership. Whether it is a client, an employee, or a colleague, servant leaders take the time to listen intently to them. They understand their employees’ needs and strive to meet them where they are. They know that people have different emotions and viewpoints, and they must work to understand and respect these differences. Listening is essential to servant leadership, but it can be challenging to practice in a fast-paced environment.

Developing employee potential

In the workplace, servant leadership emphasizes the development of the potential of every individual. This approach creates a positive environment where employees can voice their opinions and support the organization and team. This approach also reduces employee turnover. When individuals feel valued, they will be more likely to work hard for the organization and its goals.

A servant leader establishes personal relationships with employees. They ask them questions about their background and opinions on business issues. They will also ask about the progress of the employee’s career and the environment in which the company operates. When an employee has a complaint or question, a servant leader doesn’t dismiss it; instead, they will listen carefully and try to resolve the conflict.