The Cost of Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the USA

Dan Hurt

July 5, 2023


Universal Basic Income (UBI) has gained significant attention as a potential solution to address economic inequality and provide financial security to individuals. However, one critical aspect that needs careful consideration is the cost of implementing UBI. In this article, we will explore the financial implications of implementing UBI in the USA and investigate the factors determining its cost.

Understanding UBI

UBI is a system that guarantees every citizen a fixed amount of money, regardless of their employment status or income level. The goal of UBI is to provide basic financial support to meet essential needs and promote economic stability.

The Cost Factors

The cost of implementing UBI in the USA depends on several factors, including the amount of income provided, the eligibility criteria, and the funding sources. Let’s delve into these factors to understand better the potential expenses associated with UBI.

Amount of Income Provided

The amount of income UBI provides is a crucial factor in determining its cost. Different proposals suggest varying income levels, ranging from a modest sum to a more substantial amount. The higher the income provided, the greater the cost. Estimating the exact cost requires carefully considering the income level and the number of eligible recipients.

Eligibility Criteria

Another factor influencing the cost of UBI is the eligibility criteria. Depending on the design, UBI can be provided universally to all citizens or targeted to specific groups, such as low-income individuals or those facing financial hardship. The broader the eligibility, the higher the cost, as it would involve a more significant number of recipients.

Funding Sources

Determining the funding sources for UBI is essential to assess its cost. Various funding options have been proposed, including tax reforms, redirecting existing welfare programs, or introducing new revenue streams. The feasibility and effectiveness of these funding mechanisms play a significant role in determining UBI’s overall cost and sustainability.

The Cost Estimates

While estimating the cost of implementing UBI in the USA is complex and subject to various assumptions, several studies have provided insights into the potential expenses. It is important to note that these estimates can vary based on the specific parameters and assumptions used in each analysis.

A 2019 study by the Roosevelt Institute estimated that a UBI program providing $1,000 per month to every adult in the USA would cost approximately $2.8 trillion annually. This estimate accounted for the assumption that UBI would replace some existing welfare programs and would be partially funded by progressive tax reforms.

Another study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP) in 2020 estimated the cost of a UBI program providing $12,000 per year to every adult in the USA at around $3.8 trillion annually. This estimate considered a scenario where new revenue sources, such as increased taxes on high-income individuals and corporations, would finance UBI.

Considering that these estimates represent potential costs and do not account for the potential economic and social impacts of implementing UBI is essential. The cost can vary based on specific design choices, policy considerations, and economic factors.

The cost of implementing Universal Basic Income (UBI) in the USA depends on various factors, including the amount of income provided, the eligibility criteria, and the funding sources. Estimating the exact cost is a complex task with different assumptions and parameters. While studies have provided estimates ranging from trillions of dollars annually, it is crucial to consider the potential economic and social impacts of UBI alongside its costs. A comprehensive evaluation of UBI should consider the potential benefits and trade-offs to determine its viability as a solution to address economic inequality and promote financial security for all.